I Come to Bury Lisa, Not to Praise Her; or My Therapist Made Me Write This to Boost My Self-Esteem

The Three Little Kittens
"Where are those damned mittens and the friggin' pie?" Image by Monkeyscrews via Flickr


OK, so this was my therapist’s assignment to me a few weeks ago when I was feeling particularly bad. It was written out in the original and transcribed here almost exactly as it appeared before my therapist. She likes how I write, even though I pay her my 3.00 co-pay with Medicaid for her to like it. I think she sincerely likes me, because she wasn’t going to take anymore Medicaid patients, but she recognized my name. Bless her, she’s trying her best to make me up my self-esteem. For almost my entire life I’ve believed I would never amount to shit, so she’s working on fixing it. I have got a lot of boost me upping from writing and the kind reception it receives from y’all, my dear friends.

My therapist listened to me read a bunch of my junk and she laughed a lot, which made me feel very nice. I read to her the stuff that got published on other sites and a tiny bit from my memoir. She found this amusing too when I read it to her. Hopefully you will too.
Yes, ahem, my attributes. Picture this delightful scene: My therapist’s office two weeks ago. A moderately depressed patient complaining of how her life has no meaning and she will never have someone love her back. You know, crap like that.
How original. Wonder how many others told her that today? How many others hold this sort of thing in a bubble until pop, “I’ll unburden my sorrows on my therapist.”
It isn’t always that way with me, though something does indeed pop, and my mouth starts spewing chunks of trivialities so fast it isn’t even funny. Chattering like a chipmunk. Why? Maybe because I feel comfortable with her since I knew her since I was a callow youth, or maybe because she compliments me and thinks I’m funny. Maybe, though, it also helps to know she had renumeration in some kind for listening to me talk about my trivial life and phrase things in my just ever so witty and charming way. Once I gave her a dissertation on the contrasts of regular orange Vitamin Water and orange Vitamin Water Zero, how both versions have a deliciously different taste…when I suddenly stopped and said, “Wow, talk about talking about trivial stuff!”
My therapist, however, doesn’t  object me saying what I want to say. Maybe, because I’m anxious with people in general, she believes letting me air out my lungs will help me become a brilliant conversationalist, or maybe adequate. I believe her method is that she asks me questions and I talk, so that when I talk, the things that bother me will ooze out, then we hit that around for a bit. She isn’t aggressive and I truly appreciate it. Before I came to my current therapist, another one got me for one session. This other woman tried to plunge a scalpel inside me, dig around in my innards for trauma, and take an inventory of everything wrong with me on the side. Just way too much for me to swallow, way too much.
My therapist is aware of how hypersensitive I am for one thing and that my self-esteem is pretty low. Listening to the day’s diatribe of all that I lack, she suggests that I make a list of all I have that I can build upon in my life, my attributes. Mom says I shouldn’t be modest about it, tell it like it is. It seems to me a vain thing to acknowledge anything that I do could be good enough, but whatever.

Here goes:
1.) I am fairly well read. I love books and have since I was a tiny child being read to by my mother. Fun random flashback: The Three Little Kittens was one of my favorites all the way back to age 4, and as I had difficulty hunting me down a pumpkin pie today at the store, a part of that story came to my mind. “What?! Lost your mittens, you naughty kittens! Then you shall have no pie.” (or it went something like that).

But back to books. I’ll read just about anything from modern day grocery store literature to the classics. I also love reading out-of-print books from the 1800s and beyond, the oldest one I got hold of was called Sermons on Several Subjects from 1747. Reading the tiny type with its bizarre “s’s” that looked like “f’s” and how convention had it that  the first word of the next page at the bottom of each preceding page made for fun reading indeed. My only guess at why they did that was in case you skipped a page when reading or cutting the pages. But I digress as always.
Yes, yes books. I love books. I even love smelling books, from newly pressed paper to very old paper, if no one is looking, I’ll stick my nose up close and get a good whiff. I wonder if I ever got pregnant would I
start munching on books like a human silverfish?
Not only do I read what I read, overall my ability to comprehend whatever it is new, old, or indifferent is better than average. Looking back to my early CAT tests, it seems I was always lucky that way.  I just want to say thanks to my mom for reading to me The Three Little Kittens, Richard Scarry, and Felix the Cat.   I also want to say thanks to that hateful teacher who taught  me to read using phonics.  Bitch, you may have hated me and thought I was stupid, but at least your crazy ass taught me to read well, thanks tons! Now if all this matters in the real world I’ll leave it up to you.
2.) I have a pretty decent vocabulary in  two different languages. Reading Spanish is pretty easy…Speaking Spanish, um no. Rico suave. I’m good at English, anyway, though I try not to drag it out to people who don’t have as good a vocabulary, which, no offense, includes almost everyone in my apartment complex. Vocabulary doesn’t necessarily mean one is bright, so much as that they are educated fools.
3.) This thing I do, the writing, I’m better than a lot of people. Not nearly as good as many, many people, but better than average. Too bad my mind is too hyper and only lets me do it in tiny increments. If I could just tidy my writing style a bit I could write something worthy of printing  (it wouldn’t hurt to actually have an idea to  write about!).
4.) I have a sense of humor which has served me somewhat well. It sort of just sort of happens, and I never know if people will find what I write funny, but it often works. I worry about one day finding I have nothing funny to write. What if I run out of anything to write?  I write as though I will be dead serious at first, then something happens and the funny comes. Go figure. Free the creativity!
The first time I remember writing a story down that made people laugh I was in second grade, and it was a wonderful feeling, just the best. I remember the gist of the story, a talking baby being interviewed by a reporter right after her was born. Comedy gold! Too bad I don’t still  have it somewhere. What’s the point of being a sort-of-hoarder if you can’t hang on to obscure childhood papers?
5.) I am almost overly mannerly, barring a few bad habits.
6.) I aim not to hurt or slight someone. In a way this is good, but lots of times it’s bad because almost everyday I’m worried that someone is cross and about to stop being my friend or that I’ve unintentionally upset somebody.
7.) I like people, but like being left to entertain myself too. I’ve been that way since I was a small child. I had a gigantic imagination that invented  stories and characters that I could imagine myself a part of and play alone for hours. I enjoyed playing with other children, mind you, but being different, this kept me from being lonely when no one would play. I like people now too, and I often get considerably lonely, but if I ever struck out on my own or  had a beloved that reciprocated in kind, I don’t think I’d want to set up housekeeping straight away. Being quirky makes one only too happy to be left to your own devices.
8.) I’m told I still have a youthful enthusiasm that most people lose. This could be good I suppose and bad too. My voice makes people think I’m “slow.” Yes, someone even told me sometime that some people think so (mind you, he was on hard drugs, but that’s beside the point).
9.) My tastes are various. Case in point: I love subtitled foreign films, but I love a stupid comedy too. The problem with being kinda well-rounded is you don’t really fit in anywhere.
10.) I’m perfectly content to be friends with people much older than me.
11.) If someone is being hurt I will come to that person’s defense, not my own defense, but Charleston wasn’t built in a day.
12.) I’m all kind and charitable and junk. I almost always give whatever is asked of me. Saintly sucker!
I reckon that’s a wrap.
P.S., If you don’t like this font please let me know. I’m trying out ScribeFire, and I heart me some comic sans MS, but if it’s hard to read I will do something else.

19 thoughts on “I Come to Bury Lisa, Not to Praise Her; or My Therapist Made Me Write This to Boost My Self-Esteem

  1. I heart this post. In fact, I tried to tweet it, but it was four characters over and seeing as I know nothing about Twitter except to make the occasional trivial comment (we’re twins!)I didn’t know how to fix it without messing it up.

    One thing, though. You do not have a “fairly decent” vocabulary. No lie, every single time I come here I’m so impressed (and a little envious, to tell you the truth) by how well-versed you are. Most of the people I know (in real life) have either one or the other. Or none, but they have breast implants so guys don’t care what they’re saying anyway.

    If you can just push past the low self-esteem part, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that you’ll be a successful writer. Or comedian. (Your pick)


  2. This was wonderful! You shouldn’t feel that listing your attributes is vain, especially when you can do it in such a modest way. Number 2, 3 and 4 are definitely true. That is more than obvious from reading your blog. You are funny and smart, but you are also able to express yourself in writing in a very unique and entertaining way. Many people have one or two of these traits, but rarely have all three.
    You are lucky that you have a therapist that you like and that understands what you need. I’ve always felt that low-self esteem is kinda like alcoholism – you are never cured of it, it’s always with you, but you can learn how to deal with it and not let it control your life. I hope you get there!


  3. Lisa…

    great post..we are polar opposite..I am outgoing and easy going and could care less what someone else thinks..I am a 3 time cancer survivor and live life to the fullest taking advantage of every scary adventure that comes way…point being the only thing that matters is you being yourself…Live..and Laugh…at yourself and others. And lastly YOU CAN BE A GREAT ANYTHING..Just have to APPLY yourself in that direction..this time next year you could have a book on a shelf in Barnes and Noble..apply yourself..and dont worry about others think..live, laugh and love and smile its contagious…zman sends


    • Wow, to survive it 3 times with such a great attitude is amazing and wonderful. Thank you for the really good advice and I hope you will come again.


  4. I am absolutely sure that one day your work will be published. Stick with the humor Lisa. It is so ironic that you, with low self esteem, give so much joy to other people. It was a great day when you took the plunge into the blogsphere, for you and especially for us.


  5. This is the best post I’ve read in a long time Lisa. I love when you are positive and happy. Those feelings come across in your writing and they inspire people to like you and feel positive towards you in return.

    You have many wonderful attributes and you should definitely feel proud and love yourself. I know that we all feel proud of you and love you so it’s only fair that you do the same!


  6. Rapture

    I know it is in the wrong place.

    The rules have been set down
    By all the churches around
    No two are the same
    It is a dame shame
    So what can we do
    I’ve no dam clue
    I was counting
    On you
    So how will
    we know Which
    way were to go


  7. Wow! Great time for me to come over here, as I really got a great idea of who you are today.

    Sometimes I write because I can’t hear my own voice, can’t see past my own outstretched arms.
    later I come back to it and dicsover layers of me I never knew I had. Good or bad.

    Go figure


  8. lisa… you are such a beautiful person! do you know that about yourself? truly, you are….

    you are smart, wise… you are unbelievably kind… you have a humor that is clever and tainted with just the right amount of the dark side… love it!

    i, too, believe that you will be published one of these days… keep writing, keep reading… keep it going…

    and you are loved… maybe not in the life partner sense just yet… but i think that will happen for you too…


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