Three Christmas Poems: Depressing, Controversial, and Semi-Festive


Hi everyone,

Combining and this week. The first poem is right depressing, so if you’re already in a depressed mode you might wish to skip it because it’s pretty dark. The second poem deals with the so-called “War on Christmas,” and I don’t mean to be sacrilegious. The third is my favorite poem, a slice of that tasty ghetto/trailer park-style pie some of y’all seem to like…Anywho, enjoy and comment, trash it, or ask questions about it as you may.


A Very Depressing Christmas Poem: Nola Leigh’s Christmas

Mary and Jesus

Nola Leigh, age 43, virtuous virginity.

It is Christmas Eve and she is alone,

She can’t bear to go home.

The Madonna in Sorrow
Madonna in Sorrow Image via Wikipedia

All of her relatives are dead,

So she goes to the church instead.

Open door but no one here,

She looks to the window and sits at the rear,

Thin stain glass, the virgin and her baby as before in the past.

Mary is benevolent, Jesus is sad in his innocence, looking even then for divine penitence.

Nola Leigh, 43, virtuous virginity.

Mother Mary, where were you 40 years ago,

When Nola Leigh needed you so?

Sweet Jesus, did you not see your young servant in desperate need?

While you were in the glass, Nola Leigh just had no chance.

But that’s all in the past.

Nola Leigh, 43, virtuous virginity.


A Very Controversial Christmas  Poem: Merry Holidays, Jesus!


Is it just me or is the whole "War on Christmas" thing stupid on either side?


Dear Jesus,

I think you should know, some of your Father’s creations are a little slow.

Or is it me who’s a bit dense? I’m not sure, but all this to me makes little sense.

It all has to do with a little word called ‘Christmas.’

Apparently there is a war on the word. Have you in heaven heard?

Being a mortal, this I can’t understand,

Did you actually make the demand

to nick-pick on a word not even invented when you walked this earth?

When you were old enough to say it, did you cry out “Merry Christmas!”in Aramaic?

Do you spend time between listening to prayers despairing, perhaps even swearing, that ‘Xmas’ does not bear your last name?

Or are you in on the joke that the Greeks often use the ‘X’ as the abbreviation of Christ?

Is it really a vice to say “Happy Holidays!” a couple of times a year?

Or do you say, “Your inclusiveness should fry with you in the lake of hell?”

Is it bad for me to say “Merry Christmas” too?

Truthfully, Jesus, I’m all in a stew,

so I guess I’ll leave it up to you.

War on Christmas



A Semi-Festive Christmas Poem: Our Christmas Tree



Charlie Brown Christmas Tree



Oh Christmas tree, lovely Christmas tree!

Chopped down in a forest of plastic at a Chinese factory.

That year, 1987, was the first year your blessed bough  hung before us,

Joy to the World and the rest of the chorus.

That first year, do you recall?

We broke your stand and had to nail you to the wall,

tied with festive utilitarian string,

A live tree stand for a metal trunk is an interesting thing.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas and colored lights

Trying to put you up is liable to yoke a fight.

Complicated, lopsided, daring you to fall,

Well, we said, at least you’re tall.

Jingle Bells, dust, and left over tree icing,

Damn I wish it were spring and gifts weren’t so high in the pricing.

But I love your ornaments, indeed I do,

Even if you look like you were decorated by monkeys in the zoo.

Martha Stewart would cry if she saw this tree where ‘Taste’ goes to die,

But two ornaments per limb here means pleasures double,

Memories good and bad, triumph over trouble.

Gold garland and silver star, thoughts happy  do not  tacky mar.



Merry. Christmas.



56 thoughts on “Three Christmas Poems: Depressing, Controversial, and Semi-Festive

  1. This was quite a nice gift from you, Lisa. First one’s my favorite, because the deepest compassion comes from surviving just this sort of “dark night of the soul”. However I also liked the third one a lot. Cheers.


  2. Lisa,

    Merry Christmas my dear. You are precious and I love your poetry. I have to laugh at your photo selection especially Bill O’Riely that really cracks me up for some reason. I too have a busted fake tree trying to work in a real tree holder. I skipped it altogether this year and plan to celebrate the Christmas in my heart instead.
    I am sending you a virtual Christmas hug. here is a little poem I wrote super early this morning when I couldn’t sleep.


  3. I originally missed your second poem about the word “Christmas.” I saw someone’s comment on it and decided I must return to your site to read it. I got a good laugh out of it. I have been kicking around some lines to use in a poem about Limbaugh and Beck. You have inspired me to get serious and write it. :o)


  4. All three were a slick delight to read though for reasons unknown as I write this comment I have this image of Jesus with two blue ornaments hanging out of his robe shouting, “where’s my present, darn it” – or it could be a flashback to the Christmas party last night….


  5. how are you?
    let me know after you are done:
    #1: return favor to poets who are here,
    #2: commented for 18 poets NEW to you,
    Happy Saturday!
    Thanks form the contribution!


  6. Christmas is the season for dredging up pain, sorrow, loss, happiness, laughter and the confirmation that you can choose your friends ….


  7. I loved these Lisa, every one of them. I have to run out and do a few things but I’ll definitely be back to meditate on them some more. I seriously did love them and I’m not just blowing smoke up your ass. Because I don’t smoke and I don’t like to get my face that close to ass, either.


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