Help Me Improve!

Grim reaper crossed out with red X
Image via Wikipedia "Next infection, Lisa, your ass is mine!"

Is there anything  I could do to improve my blog? What are your dislikes with my writing style? Should I be more serious or deep? You’re always very nice, but I really and truly want your criticism.

I finally got up the nerve to ask why a certain gentleman unsubscribed from my blog for fear I had offended him in some awful way, which to my great relief wasn’t the case. I was so relieved that I hadn’t made him upset, then I went into a nice kidney infection and had no need to evaluate his criticism  of my writing in’ my feverish mind. Then, when I was fairly certain the Grim Reaper wasn’t going to reap me, I got to thinking about it and re-read the gentleman’s email. Apparently, though I’m not on his list of nasty people, he couldn’t ‘cope’ with my writing style or the format of my blog.  I suppose it’s my rapid subject changing à la ADHD, which a therapist and a neurologist said I had as a little girl, but it’s in contention since the whole OCD thing years later. Who knows? Now what was I saying?

Hopefully you’ll criticize me this way, ” It’s really a great blog and all, but in the end you suck, and I’m better than you.”

As opposed to, “Boy, you suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! I could write better in 3rd grade. Your writing spews chunks!

Thank you for your time and consideration.

40 thoughts on “Help Me Improve!

  1. Okay, honesty. I can be honest. Sometimes I can be brutally honest. Not today though, I don't think there's anything brutal about today.
    My one and only problem with reading your blog is your obsession (HA!) with the number of words in a post. I know that you pay attention to what makes a good blogger/writer/storyteller, but sometimes you let it get in the way. None of us are counting words. And I know it's in your nature sometimes to stomp all over yourself, but it's most annoying (to me at least) when you bail out on a blog post because you think you've written too many words to be comfortable for the reader. Just keep writing! On those days, I'm left feeling like you've left something unsaid, and I wish I could push a "play" button to make you say it.
    It's not enough to make me stop reading though! I think someone would be very foolish to stop reading. They'd miss out on way too much.
    Other than that, I like your blog, I like your style, I like your freedom and your honesty. I especially like the juxtaposition between your barriers/boundries of being OCD/ADHD and your ability to cross those barriers in order to share them with all of us.


  2. Okay, honesty. I can be honest. Sometimes I can be brutally honest. Not today though, I don’t think there’s anything brutal about today.
    My one and only problem with reading your blog is your obsession (HA!) with the number of words in a post. I know that you pay attention to what makes a good blogger/writer/storyteller, but sometimes you let it get in the way. None of us are counting words. And I know it’s in your nature sometimes to stomp all over yourself, but it’s most annoying (to me at least) when you bail out on a blog post because you think you’ve written too many words to be comfortable for the reader. Just keep writing! On those days, I’m left feeling like you’ve left something unsaid, and I wish I could push a “play” button to make you say it.
    It’s not enough to make me stop reading though! I think someone would be very foolish to stop reading. They’d miss out on way too much.
    Other than that, I like your blog, I like your style, I like your freedom and your honesty. I especially like the juxtaposition between your barriers/boundries of being OCD/ADHD and your ability to cross those barriers in order to share them with all of us.


    • Thank you, Jenn! Never was criticism so flattering! It’s true I’m trying to curtail my writing to 1000 words or less. I figured most people are thinking, “Dammit, get to the point already!” I set down my quill when I realized I was hitting in at 1100 words on the phobia thingy, but I still have to tell about trying to keel over. I keep waiting for signs that I’m going to get sick again.
      It takes me so long to write something I worry too about people stop coming, so I was glad when I had enough to throw out on the phobia post. But I will definitely try to be a tad less worried on the 1000 words rule.
      As for putting myself down, off this blog it’s even worse! Which also drives my mother nuts. To say I have a bit of a self-esteem issue is to put things mildly. But will work on it.
      The gentleman who stopped reading is a very nice guy, a bit eccentric to say the least, but a nice guy. You can read his novel somewhere in my blogroll, pretty interesting stuff.


  3. O.K. a couple of suggestions . . .

    Your site takes up the left side of the screen as I look at it. The whole right hand side of my screen is just white space.

    Rather than your blog be all squished up in one half of the screen, try experimenting with some other WordPress Themes. We’ve gone through several on MadHatters. Whenever we feel a bit jaded, we change the theme in an attempt to invigorate the site.

    As for the length of your posts – if you’ve got something to say that needs a lot of words, then split the post over several days. Tease your readers into coming back to visit you again to find out what happens next in your story 😆


  4. The question is who are you writing for. If it is to build an audience then maybe it matters. If for your own release…who cares? Well obviously YOU care but DON’T care.


  5. My main suggestion for improving the blog is more philosophical than stylistic. Keep living as much of your life AWAY from the keyboard as possible. You will return to your writing with more important experiences and things worth writing about than you could ever hope to record and publish. My time for reading is limited. I want to fill it with things worth reading.

    My only stylistic suggestion would be to practice writing in other forms, like you have with your magpie tales. Developing more chops in more different kinds of writing improves your flexibility as a blog writer.


    • Hope that doesn’t mean I’m getting dull. Lately was sick, now back alive.I have lots o’ stuff lined up that are unfinished. Hope you’re doing well.


  6. Constructive Criticism:

    I like your writing because it reads fast. I can read your 1000+ words quickly without getting hung up. Other bloggers it takes a little longer and I tend to move on. I don’t find this to be the case with you.

    However, edit where you can. I say in any writing that you should omit needless words. Like the words-that-require-too-long-of-a-hyphen words. Get the word you want from the thesaurus. Those words hang me up.

    That’s all I have for you. I truly do like your writing. Your last magpie was outstanding 🙂


    • Thank you Kristen. You’re wonderful! I sometimes play the hyphen thing as a not so humorous humor device. Will cut down on that. Will hop out to your Magpie. I’ve been going backwards up the line trying to get all but i definitely want to read yours and all the other good folks that commented this week. I fear in the past I might not have got everyone who commented.


  7. Sheez, I hate change, you just keep on doing what you are doing. If anything, you should bitch slap Duncan more 🙂 You know he gets his Viagra half price at Tescos? Kidding people, kidding!!!!


  8. Hi! I don’t remember how I got here (drinking early again, I guess), but I’m glad I found you. I agree with some of the other commenters – don’t worry about the length of your posts. If you feel like you need 2000 words or more to say something, then use all those words. Your writing style flows well and is fun to read so I don’t think the length is an issue for the reader.
    As far as content, that’s totally up to you and your vision for this blog. Personally, I like your mix of serious and funny. It’s real. I like real.


    • Thank you! We both hang out at Zodi’s blog and I one time popped over to your blog and really enjoyed it, but now I’m subscribed and wont lose it anymore.


  9. I like the new theme! Good call.

    My advice would be this: never ask someone why they've unsubscribed to your blog. You're a brave woman to do that. People unsubscribe to my blog all the time, and I don't want to know anything about why.


  10. Sorry, I’m late to this party I’ve been home alone until now and I was up to all sorts of shenanigans, mostly involving C-list celebrities and duct tape.

    Personally I don’t think you should change a thing unless you are trying to sell shit to a mass market. You write how you write, the people who enjoy it will stick around and others won’t. But if you try to change too much you won’t be yourself and it’ll come across as contrived. That’s my opinion.


    • I do like my new mass market paperback background though. It’s still girly, but more readable. Blame Duncan!
      You, my hero of bloggers, know how it is. You wanted to murder folks on one of your posts for forsaking you, which I found hilarious, especially since I understood your preoccupation, but commiserated too. It means a lot, good sir, that you don’t want me to change a thing. I certainly wouldn’t want any of you to change a thing. I love y’all’s writing styles, but if I could change, it would be to be as funny as you are.


  11. I like the new theme! Good call.

    My advice would be this: never ask someone why they’ve unsubscribed to your blog. You’re a brave woman to do that. People unsubscribe to my blog all the time, and I don’t want to know anything about why.


    • Well, I was worried he was mad at me mainly, but then I got to thinking about ways I might suck, you know? You prolly have tons of readers and I hope I do one day too, but I get all obsessed over 1 person criticizing me. When I get a 100 people reading me, then I will stop worrying….nah, I’d still worry if one person dissed me ’cause that’s how I am. It would be “Maybe everyone is just being nice, blah.” But I’ll try to stop. I’m surprised people unsubscribe to you. Maybe they didn’t like you overdosing on their favorite analgesic, but maybe they’ve gone RSS or Jabber. I’m using Jabber a lot now, but keeping the emails too. If I ever stop the email thing, I will go psycho and let everyone know individually that no, didn’t unsub and junk.
      Thank you!!!


  12. The fact you have so many respond to your writing speaks for itself. Write because it’s fun, not because of other people. If it ain’t fun, it ain’t worth doing, blog wise. Just keep on keeping on. I’ll think of some more wise sayings later.


  13. I don’t always comment, Lisa, but I do visit regularly and I’m never disappointed.. And since I have the attention span of a goldfish smoking pot, you must be doing something right.

    I agree with Vodka. I used to spend so much time wondering if I offended someone, or obsessing over negative comments I received, that it got to the point where blogging wasn’t enjoyable anymore. Finally I realized that I had to either quit caring, or quit blogging.

    There are always going to be people out there who won’t like what you write. But trust me when I say it’s a good thing. It means that you are unique and honest, and not like those millions of generic bloggers who only write what they think people want to hear.


    • Hiya!
      I see you ‘like’ me and I say hi to you and thanks when you do. Just the other day someone gave my last Magpie a B – and as Rodrigo would say “What for the fuck?” But on this guy that I quizzed on his absence has tons of blog friends, so I was afraid I’d made him mad. Thanks for telling me about your experience b/c you are very popular among readers and have a distinctive amber color in some of your photos, which is like sunshine!


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