Everyone’s Trying to Croak

A couple of weeks ago, my best friend died for a second. It was only for a second though.  She was outside of her hotel and  about to get in an Uber when she passed out and passed away. 

It was only a second of death, not enough for going towards the light or seeing one’s life flash before her, but  it was death. Her heart stopped and the implanted defibrillator jolted  her back to this world. She didn’t wake up until she was on the way to the hospital. To add insult to near death experience, she received a bad concussion when she fell. Life is a bitch, indeed.

Meanwhile, the man feeding her cats, is also trying to die. It’s basically certain that he has lung cancer, but is only taking radiation for it. The doctor told him he could outlive the cancer, but the doctor is probably lying, especially since he’s doing minimal treatment.

Me, I’m avoiding doctors like the plague.

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