Dr. Sana Johnson-Quijada Wants You To Be a Friend to Yourself

I met Dr. Sana Johnson-Quijada the first time she left a comment on my blog a few months ago, and she has been a dear blogging friend ever since.  Dr. Sana is the author of A Friend to Yourself, a blog she started to help people become  friends to themselves, a concept someone I know (::cough cough:: myself :: cough:: heave:: ) could definitely use.


Lucy Van Pelt, Peanuts, Charlie Brown, psychiatric help 5 cents
Unlike Lucy, Dr. Sana Quijada's advice is free on her blog. Image via wikia.com


Every day for a year Dr. Sana, a psychiatrist and mother of three, is writing on ways to be a ‘friend to yourself.’  Her posts, as she says on her About Me page, are from her life experiences and her training, but she often uses fictionalized characters to illustrate her point. She even writes about perfectionism (not that I have a problem with being a perfectionist or anything).

Dr.   Sana’s posts are always relevant to the human experience common in us all. Yesterday’s post was about how revenge often ends up hurting you more than the person on whom you avenge yourself. I can’t help thinking with such awful things going on now and those seemingly getting away with it that this is an important message. There is also the self-care tip of not hurting yourself  or others, reminding us emotional abuse can be as bad as physical abuse.

I strongly suggest you start reading Dr. Sana’s  blog for common sense tips on caring for yourself and those around you. I’m sure you will find her writing as useful and full of insight as  I do.


26 thoughts on “Dr. Sana Johnson-Quijada Wants You To Be a Friend to Yourself

  1. lisa, u big sweetie. what a post! thank u for your company, for your presence and i feel heard. what a gift. my favorite bit you said was "posts are always relevant to the human experience." really sweet. keep on.


  2. Lisa, you got it all right… and that is why I read her daily posts. They keep me thinking positive, on the right track. Marie.


  3. on my way to check out Dr. Sana….. since we all have the "human experience" dappled with a bit of this and that….

    i love the background on this site!!!! gorgeous Lisa!


    • So wonderful to see you, Bea! That's really sweet of you to say say and glad you like the new site. Guaranteed to load in 30 minutes or less. But I got everything (host, domain, ,domain privy )for $23.00 so I reckon I'll wait at least for this year.


  4. Dr. Sana's blog is a treasure trove. I'll be reading there for her great insights. Actually I just left her blog ….am returning to it momentarily. Thanks!


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