Emily Dickinson Sucks (via The Friggin Loon)

Look! I got mentioned and I pawned Emily Dickenson! Though I actually like Dickenson. That “I could not stop for death, yadda yadda” poem was pretty awesome. Please visit http//frigginloon.wordpress.com for your news of the weird needs.

Ever tried to plow through the compete works of Emily Dickinson? Hmm no? Probably a good thing. Here is a review from someone who tried. Psst Now why couldn't Dickinson be more like OCDBloggergirl?

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via The Friggin Loon

19 thoughts on “Emily Dickinson Sucks (via The Friggin Loon)

  1. One time in an on line forum I got into a poetry contest with another guy in which we recast Emily Dickenson poems to be about Cujo. Don’t ask me, it made sense at the time. The only lines I remember fromt the exchange are:

    I could not stop for Cujo
    So he kindly tackled me . . .


  2. This whole thing just gave me several brilliant ideas. I’ve already reviewed classic literature badly. Now I can review classic literature badly….on Youtube.

    I’m going to be so fucking famous!

    Hilarious Lisa!


    • I hope you do that, Scott. I’d love to see “Zodi: The Live Action Show.” I have flirted w/ the idea of vlogging as a reader’s supplement. First I’d have to figure out how to work the webcam on my netbook.


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