One Trick-Or-Treater: Poetry Pot Luck

I am sooo not going there this year!.....Oh hey, is that like Harry Potter?

My second offering for Poetry Pot Luck at It’s true too.

One trick-or-treater?

Just one?


I mean there’s only one pervert down the hall;

You could have come here and he wouldn’t have bothered you at all.

My Milky Ways didn’t have razors, I know because I just ate the last one,

The soft mints didn’t have LSD I don’t think; I’ve  got through half of ’em.

Damn, I wish I had a blueberry pixie-stick and a couple of Kit Kats too.

One trick-or-treater?

Just one?

And I’ll be damned if she wasn’t 41!

With a cowardly lion chihuahua instead of a son.

Reaching into my bag I give her a goodly sum,

better give her a lot, she’ll be my only one.

Picture used w/o permission from

58 thoughts on “One Trick-Or-Treater: Poetry Pot Luck

  1. Glad that you decide to enter for Poets Rally.
    have fun.

    simply visit and comment for a minimum 18 poets from my participant list.
    of course, if you wish to do more, feel free to do so.


  2. Your poem was great. I’ve had Halloweens like that. Inspired me anew.

    What’s worse than only one,
    all the monsters, everyone,
    brothers, sisters, grandpas too,
    dressed like escapees from the zoo,
    Babies in backpacks, kids 6’2″,
    Where do they all come from?
    I’m asking you.


  3. I had none !

    Well that’s not strictly true.

    My doorbell rang a few times but by the time I got there to open it, they’d run off – 4 dogs barking their heads off and jumping up at the door tends to have that effect on some people. 😆


  4. That was fun to read! Your only trick-or-treater was 41? LOL Thanks for making me smile. I woke up moody today, and this plus a couple of other poems have lifted my mood considerably. Also, thanks for your comment about my poem “Stargazing”. 🙂

    Hmmm, wonder what LSD-laced mints are like? 😉


    • If I can make one person happy, I feel very happy myself.

      I imagine the walls would breathe and stripes of red would bleed out of them. The stripes would then turn into red snakes with fangs
      out. That’s when hilarity ensues.


    • I read that most ‘tampered candy’ tales were urban legends. I googled tampered candy and was amazed. I think the real danger is the strangers handing it out.


  5. I made all my trick-or-treaters sign a privacy agreement (because they could see into my living room with my door being open), and then I gave them a signed copy of my pamphlet on how to sext someone appropriately and safely. That's just being a good member of my community.


  6. I made all my trick-or-treaters sign a privacy agreement (because they could see into my living room with my door being open), and then I gave them a signed copy of my pamphlet on how to sext someone appropriately and safely. That’s just being a good member of my community.


    • Well, when I was 8 and trick-or-treating, someone gave me a New Testament. I think that’s similar. Thanks! LMAO . You ought to write a whole post on your civic duty on Halloween.


      • Probably every 2 millenniums, but you never know. One chapter might be different like the college text books that change every college semester.

        Or she might be trying to save you from that Jonas Brothers Devil music.


    • Scott, you’re such a dear soul! I know you follow a lot of blogs and I won’t be offended if you don’t comment every time. Mind you, I always look forward to hearing what you will say. Thank you always!


  7. Lisa,
    You crack me up! I love that post, it was too funny. I wish you were NaNoing with me too! I am at over 16,000 words and I am still going strong. At least I think I am. My story just hit the bizarre but that’s cool. I think my new crowd would be pleased. All because of a stupid quote, “they looked like two suicide notes stuffed into a glitter bra.” hehehe


    • That is best quote of the day! I just don’t have an idea for a novel of 50k words. A prompt I can do, a big novel is best left to the imaginative such as yourself. Your comment made me very happy! Thank you!


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